Many families were missing (from church) due to illness or travel...I'm thankful our family was healthy enough to attend church together!
Dad is 39! We fixed his favorite-oatmeal cookies. In the evening he had a tea party (at Naomi's request), wrestled with the boys, and played Candy Land. Rainy day. Cold.
Today I spent with Amy C. at the R.'s home! It was so good to see her again and visit. We talked quite a bit about Y2K-Prov. 3:5-6
School. Dad left for California! (Something to do with USGS work-he'll be back late Friday evening). Ian lost a tooth.
Today was our luncheon with Kristin and Elisabeth at Zeno's. I'm glad we had the opportunity to do it! More rain.
Dad came home safe and sound. He missed us. :) For lunch we went to the M's. Cold and muddy!
Saw a whole bunch of blooming daffodils.
Today I made bagels. Our neighbor-Mrs.T-brought us sticky buns! We were surprised. Dad has been busy clearing brush for the garden.
We had a full house at church! The young ladies talked some about Y2K. A lot of different opinions... "My God shall supply all your needs." (need does not equal want)
"You have to go out-you don't have to come back." Whenever I read that I think of Jim Elliot and the other four men who were killed by Aucas. Reality for them.
Snow from Sunday night is still on the ground and it is COLD! Mara's plants here inside are green and growing. A promise of new life! "Dead to sin...ALIVE in Christ." Romans 6
"Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart." Psalm 27:14.
"I will walk in thy truth." Psalm 86:11
"Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel." Psalm 73:24
I think and pray for Jessie (and Aram) while they are away at Rosedale. We read an email she sent; she's been very busy. Psalm 138:8
Sing at D's-cancelled. Car needs fixin'. We are finally getting the windshield wipers taken care of!
Worked outside all day on the raised beds. I shoveled dirt all afternoon and am so sore..
Feast of Esther Melodrama (hosted by the N's). Chosen by lot, Dad played Mordecai-for the 3rd time!
Found out today (because of Dad's big mouth, lol) that Mom is expecting baby #8. Due sometime around November. "O Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup." :)
"Be still, and know that I am God." Read Psalm 46 today. I'm still not very often like vs 2 and 3. Who cares if "the earth gives way"? After all-He's in control!
"God, give me a deep humility, a well-guided zeal, a burning love, and a single eye, and then let men or devils do their worst." G. Whitefield
Sing at D's. Sang, "Satisfied". Much to think about.
Art lessons. Lots of baking to do! I am sick with fever and aches. "I am the Lord that healeth thee..."
Grandma T's birthday! She is 64. Rain and snow outside. More sick people. Mom has been the sickest.
Robyn and Steve's wedding. It was a sort of Indian-type ceremony. Stayed the evening at a hotel. Little Emily is a sweetie!
Stayed at Grandma's home and visited. It has been good to see Eran and Katey again. I still don't feel very well. This coming week, more sunshine!
I finished the book, "Rebekah's Diary" and enjoyed reading about her experiences in PNG.
Beautiful day! We've been outside a lot. I've got the "garden fever" (hope I don't kill what I grow)!
I read a neat verse in 2 Timothy today-chapter 4 vs 17a reads: "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength..."
Sent another letter off to Jessie today. I pray for her often. Uncle Cool Guy stopped by this afternoon to visit.
Eran stopped by to see us again before he left. The little ones love to play with him-especially Keturah. Some of Mom's bulbs are blooming!
Homeschool "fair" today. We went for a little while. Dad and Mom not feeling very well. Mara bought some plants-beautiful day!
Musical night. Well, I lived through it. It was pretty funny. I loved hearing Mr. M play the violin! He and Rowena did, "Come Thou Almighty King".
The pansies are beautiful! Mara planted some Saturday. They look like cheery little faces. Mrs. D and Jessica stopped by today. (Jessica may go to Albania!)
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
So much time has passed...I really like it when you blog excerpts from your diary. A lot happened in the month of March!